Friday, August 31, 2012

Amazon's new patented dual-screen tablet computer is more scientific

Dual is not nothing new, but you want your Tablet PC is the dual? Like it or not, Amazon may be the development of a dual-screen tablet computer!
According to Mashable reported, Amazon has successfully obtained a new patent. Patent Tablet PC front-end is an LCD screen, this screen is responsible for normal users of audio-visual entertainment. Back using the E Ink screen, which is designed specifically for e-book users.

    Interestingly, the user content on a screen can be transplanted to another screen. For example, a lot of reading content can be transferred to the LCD screen E ink screen, so the user can extend the life of the tablet!

    Unclear dual Amazon tablet will be when available, but from the current situation, in order to see this tablet press conference on September 6, estimates are unrealistic.

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